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NCL Method PCC-17

By Alpana Dongargonkar, Jeffrey Clogston, Alison Vermilya1

Leidos Biomedical Research, Inc.

Quantitation of Nanoparticle Composition Using Thermogravimetric Analysis

Listed in Datasets | publication by group NCL Protocols

Version 2.0 - published on 09 Jul 2020 doi:10.17917/WF0H-1V72 - cite this

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Some nanoparticles, such as metallic nanoparticles, often include a surface coating or surface modification to aid in its dispersion and stability. As this surface coating may affect the behavior of nanoparticles in a biological environment, it is important to measure. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) can be used to determine the amount of surface coating, approximate sample component proportions, decomposition temperatures, and/or nanoparticle residues. TGA is an experimental technique to measure the change in mass of a sample as a function of temperature and/or time in a controlled atmosphere (1). TGA experiments run under inert atmosphere can also be used to determine residual metal content present in the sample.

This protocol describes the use of the TGA for a variety of nanoparticle samples, including sample preparation, data analysis, and experimental considerations. Specifically, the protocol examines the TGA analysis of polyvinylpyrrolidone (40 kDa PVP) stabilized silver nanoparticles as a detailed example of coating quantification, in addition to other examples of nanoparticles analyzed in our lab. A detailed protocol for the analysis of organic coatings on metallic nanoparticles is published in reference (2).

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