28 Jul 2014 | Contributor(s): Maggie Cam, Lalage Wakefield
Wafergen Target Data prototype resource
CT segmentation challenge "dry run"
19 Sep 2013 | Downloads | Contributor(s): Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer
CT volumes used for the dry run
Comparative proteomics of MCF-10A and MDA-MB-231 cells
22 Jan 2014 | Downloads | Contributor(s): PS-OC Network, Parag Mallick
U24 KickOff Steering Committee Meeting 022614
12 Mar 2014 | Downloads | Contributor(s): Rebecca Crowley
Kick of For Steering Committee - explains grant and discusses process for developing the TIES Cancer Research Network
Standards Portal CRFs Complete View
19 Mar 2014 | Downloads | Contributor(s): Denise Warzel, Sumudinie fernando, Ann Christine Catlin
This DataView resource page is for the Standards Portal CRFsUse this DataView to browse,search, explore and download the complete set of columns for NCI case report form standards at the Hub. These CRFs were brought to the Hub for clarification, discussion and discovery. They were assembled by...
Standards Portal CDEs Common Data Fields
19 Mar 2014 | Downloads | Contributor(s): Denise Warzel, Sumudinie fernando, Ann Christine Catlin
This DataView is for the Common Data Fields of the Standards Portal CDEsUse this DataView to browse, search, explore and download the essential set of columns for NCI common data elements standards at the Hub. These CDEs were brought to the Hub for clarification, discussion and discovery. They...
Standards Portal CRFs Common Data Fields
19 Mar 2014 | Downloads | Contributor(s): Denise Warzel, Sumudinie fernando, Ann Christine Catlin
This DataView is for the Common Data Fields of the Standards Portal CRFsUse this DataView to browse, search, explore and download the essential set of columns for NCI case report form standards at the Hub. These CRFs were brought to the Hub for clarification, discussion and discovery. They were...
Comparative Morphology of MCF-10A and MDA-MB-231 cells: Aspect Ratio and Area
25 Mar 2014 | Downloads | Contributor(s): Jonathan Franca-Koh
3D Cytometry of MCF-10A and MDA-MB-231 cells
25 Mar 2014 | Downloads | Contributor(s): Vivek Nandakumar, Deirdre R. Meldrum
Health Information National Trends Survey (HINTS) 5 Cycle 2 (2018)
02 Aug 2019 | Downloads | Contributor(s): Kelly Blake, Richard Moser
The Health Information National Trends Survey (HINTS) is a nationally representative survey that has been administered every few years by the National Cancer Institute since 2003. The HINTS target population is all adults aged 18 or older in the civilian non-institutionalized population of the...