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  • Created 09 Mar 2015

Next steps for DWI MRI

  1. Dariya Malyarenko

    To monitor consistency of DWI DICOM tags across vendors and SW versions, we could start a library/collection, e.g., as a spread-sheet summary?

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  2. Andrey Fedorov

    I agree, a single spreadsheet summarizing information from various sources would be helpful. 

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  3. Dariya Malyarenko

    I would start the library (xsl) -- where should we keep it and how to monitor the updates?

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  4. Andrey Fedorov

    I would create that spreadsheet in Google Docs, and link from here. We can also create a Resource entry in this community, and link to the google spreadsheet.

    To monitor updates, there is a mechanism in Google Docs to send email updates every time someone makes a change to the document (see menu Tools > Notification rules).

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  5. Dariya Malyarenko

    I created the initial library for SW-version versus utilized DWI DICOM tags, as suggested (separate tabs for each vendor):

    The checked tags that are utilized are marked by "x", and not found - by "NA".  The "standard" DICOM tags from DWI macro-document are included for all vendors (even though they are not used by GE and SIEMENS). Interestingly none of the vendors utilized the "required" (?)diffusion sequence tag (0018,9117).

    So far, there are three different SW versions listed for each vendor. Please, add more, as you come across new version/s for your scanner/s.


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  6. Andrey Fedorov

    Dariya, thanks - this is a great start! I didn't respond earlier, since I accidentally turned off subscription to this thread, and do not know how to re-enable it! :(

    I have few suggestions

    1) I found the spreadsheet to be a bit difficult to read, so I rearranged stuff a bit - can you take a look at the sheet I added?

    2) what do you think about initiating a public repository of de-identified sample datasets to accompany each of the combinations? This would be very helpful for developing a suite of conversion tests down the road. We have some in the Slicer community that I should be able to contribute.

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  7. Andrey Fedorov

    Also, you abbreviated some names, and I am not exactly sure about the meaning ... please see "Philips DWI reorganized" sheet in google doc.

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  8. Andrey Fedorov

    I added transposed sheets for the other 2 sheets.

    About the data, it is very important that we have the DICOMs. Text files are not possible to process with software, so they are of very limited use.

    If the images are phantom images, I do not see any issues making them public. There are no PHI concerns.

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  9. Steve Pieper

    I like the spreadsheet!  Can you clarify the meaning of the entries in the cells though?

    Here's what I guess based on what I see:

    x : tag is reliably available

    x/x/x : three tags are available

    NA : not available

    x(?iso) : I don't know

    x(HS) : I don't know

    x(+10^6) : need to add a million to the value?

    x(FD?) : I don't know


    Thanks in advance for clarifying these.





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  10. Andrey Fedorov

    1) data sharing: I suggest we create a shared folder in Google Drive to share those alongside the spreadsheet; TCIA has a long approval process, and interest in phantoms may be limited - this should not interfere with our objectives. I created a folder on Google Drive: Please request write access by sending me a direct message (I will add Dariya and Steve). If space becomes an issue, there are alternatives.

    2) thanks for the discussion re cells meaning - I haven't actually tried to make sense of those, just formatting for better comprehension (we should harmonize with other sources listed in; for now, I added another spreadsheet "Legend" to include the descriptions

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  11. Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer

    Regarding 1: why not use nciphub itself?

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  12. Andrey Fedorov

    @Jayashree: I see the following advantages of using GoogleDrive:

    1) easy synchronization with the desktop

    2) more intuitive interface

    3) easy access control beyond nciphub community

    4) as I've heard, GoogleDrive can be integrated in some way with nciphub, so in a way the answer could be - "sure, it is already on nciphub" without any extra work

    5) consistent with our use of GoogleDrive for the attributes spreadsheet - I guess we could use nciphub databases (if this is the right name) for that purpose as well, but I do not see the added benefit, and the process of editing is rather cumbersome

    By the way, are there any existing examples of utilizing nciphub for a similar purpose?

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  13. Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer


    yes, the PET segmentation challenge (phase 1 and 2) used NCIP hub to share phantom data. 

    Essentially create a project within a group and go to files and upload/download. And sync with google drive. 


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  14. Andrey Fedorov

    Sounds good, so how about we just use google drive folder I created, and then you just sync it back into nciphub?

    I am not familiar with that process, so your expertise would be helpful.

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  15. Dariya Malyarenko

    We have already attempted to include these sources (wiki and converters) into the summary that we have.
    In lines with QIN ADC challenge, this discussion focuses on DWI (*not* DTI), so DTI attributes are omitted on purpose.

    >>  If you detect missing DWI attributes, please edit/add as needed (by following the link to Google docs), as long as you have a DWI-DICOM data example to support your entry.

    >>Current spreadsheet has the list of attributes for which we have DWI-DICOM examples (to be uploaded soon).

    >>This library is just the "seed", and we hope and invite more data to be added by all sites that have different MRI systems and  SW versions.


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  16. Dariya Malyarenko

    Note that the same references/links are listed on group's wiki-page:

    we will add the "data source" links when the examples are uploaded

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  17. Dariya Malyarenko

    We included standard tags for all vendors in the spreadsheet -- they are mostly "NAs"...  Philips seems the closest to standard DICOM for "critical" DWI info  (although some tags are still missing, as you can see from examples).

    Our hope is that QIN BIDS group will help us with vendor-agnostic DWI conversion to *standard* DICOM by mid-summer.  For their reference, we are creating this DICOM tag library across vendors. This will also be related back to vendors through QIN and RSNA.

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  18. Andrey Fedorov

    Dariya, to clarify, we discussed providing tools to save ADC maps in a DICOM-compliant format. Producing a tool to harmonize all these vendors into a standard-compliant shape is beyond what we can accomplish in QIICR. We can discuss this later, when we are better prepared with ADC tools.

    No matter what, the work of putting together this spreadsheet and developing a collection of sample data will be a very valuable resource.

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  19. Dariya Malyarenko

    Yes, we will start with ADC maps (relying on DWI-DICOM)

    DWI DICOM examples for the "seed library" are uploaded to "google-drive". The links were updated in the spreadsheet "Reference" tab.

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