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Overview: The HUBzero Platform for Scientific Collaboration

By Michael McLennan

Purdue University

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This web site was created using a collaborative infrastructure called HUBzero, developed by Purdue University. HUBzero is the basis of and more than 50 other sites covering a wide range of scientific disciplines, including bio-fuels, microelectromechanical systems, cancer research, pharmaceuticals, volcanic activity, and environmental modeling. All together, these web sites served more than 1,000,000 visitors from 172 countries worldwide during 2013. HUBzero supports a comprehensive set of features used for team science and online education. Each web site or "hub" hosts a set of live simulation/modeling tools uploaded by the community and available for others to use. Each hub also hosts data sets, seminars, tutorials, and teach materials uploaded by the community, and offers private collaboration spaces where teams can work together on projects. This brief overview covers some of the basic features.


HUBzero is supported by the HUBzero Foundation, LLC

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Michael McLennan (2013), "Overview: The HUBzero Platform for Scientific Collaboration,"

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