The NCIP Hub strives to serve all users including those with disability. Every attempt is made to encourage those making content contributions to serve those with disabilities by way of guidance and best practices as well as specific disability support. NCIP Hub has dedicated support in the NCIP Hub administrator as well as a liaison who can be contacted directly via or []. == Eight Essentials for Creating Accessible PDF Documents == [[YouTube(Z6QBSRzoG_M, 300, 200)]] == Ensuring your PDF is Accessible == [[YouTube(ehIVb5AEVSU, 300, 200)]] == Accessible MS Word Documents == [[YouTube(Aghdx5J6qmQ, 300, 200)]] == Accessible Spreadsheets 1 == [[YouTube(yOj1HwPGgic, 300,200)]] == Accessible Spreadsheets 2 == [[YouTube(RjFeybdYEqo, 300,200)]]