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All Categories (1-11 of 11)

  1. SEER-CAHPS User Guide

    22 Sep 2021 | Datasets | Contributor(s):

    By Lisa M. Lines1, Daniel H. Barch1, Kim Danforth1, Lisa DiMartino1, Michael T. Halpern2, Rebecca Lewis1, Joshua Michael Medel2, Diana Zabala1, Michelle A. Mollica2

    1. RTI International 2. National Cancer Institute

    This user guide provides researchers with a compilation of guidance and information on the SEER-CAHPS data resource.

  2. HINTS 5, Cycle 2 Dataset

    07 Aug 2019 | Datasets | Contributor(s):

    By Kelly Blake

    National Cancer Institute, NIH

    HINTS 5, Cycle 2 (2018) data were collected from Jan through May, 2018. Sample design consisted of a single-mode mail survey, using the Next Birthday Method for respondent selection. Complete data...

  3. Activities to Promote Technology Research Collaborations (APTRC) PA-17-143 Pre-Application Webinar

    24 Feb 2017 | | Contributor(s):: Juli Klemm, Tony Dickherber

    Pre-application seminar held February 24, 2017 for FOA PA-17-143 

  4. Petabyte-Scale Cancer Genomics in the Cloud - TCGA Symposium 2015 Poster Presentation

    15 May 2015 | | Contributor(s):: Brandi Davis Dusenbery, Zeynep Onder, Devin Locke, Kate Blair, Deniz Kural

    The advent of next generation sequencing has transformed our ability to generate genomic data. Today, cancer researchers have access to petabytes of multi-dimensional information from thousands of patients. However, analysis of this information only becomes more challenging as the amount of data...

  5. 2014 QIN Face to Face Meeting

    18 Apr 2014 | | Contributor(s):: Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer, Laurence Clarke

    The Quantitative Imaging Network (QIN) grows from the NCI program announcement "Quantitative Imaging for Evaluation of Responses to Cancer Therapies". The network is designed to promote research and development of quantitative imaging methods for the measurement of tumor response to therapies in...

  6. Standards Portal CRFs Complete View

    19 Mar 2014 | | Contributor(s):: Denise Warzel, Sumudinie fernando, Ann Christine Catlin

    This DataView resource page is for the Standards Portal CRFsUse this DataView to browse,search, explore and download the complete set of columns for NCI case report form standards at the Hub. These CRFs were brought to the Hub for clarification, discussion and discovery. They were assembled by...

  7. Standards Portal CDEs Common Data Fields

    19 Mar 2014 | | Contributor(s):: Denise Warzel, Sumudinie fernando, Ann Christine Catlin

    This DataView is for the Common Data Fields of the Standards Portal CDEsUse this DataView to browse, search, explore and download the essential set of columns for NCI common data elements standards at the Hub. These CDEs were brought to the Hub for clarification, discussion and discovery. They...

  8. Standards Portal CRFs Common Data Fields

    19 Mar 2014 | | Contributor(s):: Denise Warzel, Sumudinie fernando, Ann Christine Catlin

    This DataView is for the Common Data Fields of the Standards Portal CRFsUse this DataView to browse, search, explore and download the essential set of columns for NCI case report form standards at the Hub. These CRFs were brought to the Hub for clarification, discussion and discovery. They were...

  9. Standards Portal CDEs Complete View

    15 Mar 2014 | | Contributor(s):: Denise Warzel, Ann Christine Catlin, Sumudinie fernando

    This DataView on this resource page is used to explore the Standards Portal CDEsUse the DataView provided on this resource page to navigate, browse, search, explore and download the complete set of columns for NCI common data elements standards at the Hub. These CDEs are brought to the Hub for...

  10. Adverse Events Terminology Standards, Data Elements and Case Report Forms

    15 Mar 2014 | | Contributor(s):: Sherri de Coronado, Ann Christine Catlin, Sumudinie fernando, Denise Warzel

    Standards for coding, naming and grading adverse events (AEs) in cancer clinical trials include both cancer-focused and broader systems that all result from collaboration among academic, governmental, and pharmaceutical industry clinical investigators. They are all based on the need for...

  11. Eugene Tseytlin

    I was born,I grew up,I went to school,I moved to US,I went to school again,I went to college,I graduated and got a job at university,I got my masters while attending university,I still work for...