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Guidelines for Releasing Research Software

By Natasha Wright1, Ishwar Chandramouliswaran2, Juli Klemm2, Carl McCabe2, Richard Lambert2, Wendy Patterson2

1. Health & Human Services 2. National Cancer Institute

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to encourage open software development by the nci intramural research community, these guidelines offer guidance for releasing research software source code in a free open access or open source format. this is meant to enable developers to successfully release software code in an open manner, permitting other users to use, modify, and/or redistribute the code. These guidelines are intended to promote the broad dissemination of research resources, including research-related software. 

These guidelines are relevant to software code at any level of sophistication, from reusable, polished source code to one-off code intended for a single, specific project. If one-off code is required to replicate published findings, then it is important to make the code available, e.g., by deposition in a publicly accessible software repository.


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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Natasha Wright; Ishwar Chandramouliswaran; Juli Klemm; Carl McCabe; Richard Lambert; Wendy Patterson (2014), "Guidelines for Releasing Research Software,"

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