Lessons from a red squirrel, mentors, and the pathway to success.

By Reinhart A.F. Reithmeier

Department of Biochemistry, University of Toronto (Canada)

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In this article, Dr. Reithmeier reviews his personal career path starting with how a red squirrel got him interested in research, and the vital role that mentors played in his pathway to success; a pathway that taught him many lessons that he would like to share with particularly graduate students and post-doctoral fellows who are just starting down their own unique paths. Please grab your cup of coffee and click on the "Supporting Docs" or "Download (PDF)" to learn more about the author's journey.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Reinhart A.F. Reithmeier (2014), "Lessons from a red squirrel, mentors, and the pathway to success.," https://nciphub.org/resources/518.

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