The NCI Community Hub will be undergoing some maintenance on Thursday, August 19th, at 7 AM ET. We do apologize for any inconvenience. - The NCI Community Hub Team close

  • Discoverability Visible
  • Join Policy Open/Anyone
  • Created 25 Jul 2013

Events List

  1. Hubzero Community Meeting: Presentation from PlantingScience

  2. NCIP Hub Office Hour Meeting number: 733 478 906 Meeting password: jKgpFw*2

  3. HUBzero Community Meeting: Presentation from Simiode

    Hubzero Community Meeting: Presentation from Simiode Meeting number: 642 524 649 Meeting password: hubzero! Meeting link: Host key: 573382 Audio connection: +1-855-282-6330 US TOLL FREE +1-415-655-0003 US TOLL

  4. NCIP Hub Office Hour Meeting number: 735 277 969 Meeting password: kNQ975T?

  5. HUBzero Community Meeting: Presentation from nanoHUB

    Please join us for this month’s HUBzero Community meeting. The nanoHUB team will be presenting on the work taking place on their Hub. Hope to see you there! Join:

  6. NCIP Hub Office Hour

    Bring your questions directly to the NCIP Hub team! We’re happy to provide personal support for your community. Meeting number: 738 661 025 Meeting password: qQ3DvVX?

  7. HUBzero Community Meeting: Presentation from NCIP Hub

    Meeting number: 642 524 649 Meeting password: hubzero! Meeting link: Host key: 573382 Audio connection: +1-855-282-6330 US TOLL FREE +1-415-655-0003 US TOLL Access code: 642 524 649

  8. NCIP Hub June Support Session

    Join the Webex to ask the NCIP Hub team any support questions you may have. Meeting number: 739 093 389 Meeting password: jVmHT2q@ Meeting Link:

  9. NCIP Hub Office Hour

    Join the meeting: Meeting number: 858 489 550 Meeting password: 2293PyY*

  10. NCIP Hub Office Hour

    Meeting number: 730 385 749 Meeting password: JnTEHG@5

  11. HubZero Tutorial: Security Guidelines

    Learn about: · Hub scans · Updates · How can open source users harden the host to prevent from hacks? · Multiple Failed login attempts and Fail2ban Meeting number: 640 445 797 Meeting password: eJsBEHhc Meeting link: Audio connection: +1-855-282-6330 US TOLL FREE +1-415-655-0003 US TOLL Access code: 640 445 797

  12. HubZero Webinar – Planned New Developments, How Applications Connect

    Have you ever wished you could host a simulation tool, a data analysis web application, an R or Jupyter Notebook application, or other computational software on a HUB and make it available for the world to use? Join us for a discussion of hosting such tools on HUBs. We will briefly discuss the technologies and illustrate their use in several real world applications being used on HUBs today. Webex Link: Meeting...

  13. server reboot

    Banner: NCIP Hub is scheduled for maintenance on Thursday, October 27, 2016. Users are requested to plan their work accordingly. We apologize for any inconvenience. The server for rebooted without any issues and the new kernel that fixes the "Dirty COW" vulnerability is running. Cheers, Pascal

  14. How to submit tools on NCIP Hub

    Want to learn about submitting Tools on a HUB? Join us for July's monthly webinar as a Tools expert walks through the process of submitting a tool, managing tools and their assigned resources. We will also be covering general terminology that is associated with Tools and what you should know before you start working with Tools.

  15. Hubzero Tutorial: Managing Groups

    Please join us for the Hubzero webinar tutorial on Managing Groups. This training session will highlight tips and tricks on how to manage a group and interact with your group members. This training session will be more open for a question and answer session after the training session, so users attending can ask questions to other community members and discuss ways that current group owners are managing their groups. Details and webinar registration can be found here:...

  16. NCIP Hub 2016 Webinar Series: Topic TBD

    Please join us for the NCIP Hub webinar presentation on Topic TBD. NCIP Hub Webinar Series The 4th Thursday of every month 1:00 pm | Eastern Standard Time (New York, GMT-05:00) | 1 hr Join WebEx meeting: Meeting number: 730 292 024 Meeting password: NC!PHub2016 Join by phone 1-855-244-8681 Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada) 1-650-479-3207 Call-in toll number (US/Canada) Add this meeting to...

  17. Hubzero Tutorials: Courses

    Please join us for the Hubzero webinar tutorial on Courses. If you are interested in creating a course or taking a course on a hub, then listen in to this month's webinar training on Courses. This training session will cover how to set up a course, adding content, and taking a course from a student's perspective. A question and answer session will follow the training session to cover any trailing thoughts that the presenters might have missed. Join the training session by clicking on the...

  18. NCIP Hub 2016 Webinar Series: Virtual Office Hours

    Please join us for the NCIP Hub Virtual Office Hours. Bring your questions about NCIP Hub to this virtual office hours session and get real time answers from hub administrators! NCIP Hub Webinar Series The 4th Thursday of every month 1:00 pm | Eastern Standard Time (New York, GMT-05:00) | 1 hr Join WebEx meeting: Meeting number: 730 292 024 Meeting password: NC!PHub2016 Join by...

  19. NCIP Hub 2016 Webinar Series: Groups

    Please join us for the NCIP Hub webinar presentation on Groups. NCIP Hub Webinar Series The 4th Thursday of every month 1:00 pm | Eastern Standard Time (New York, GMT-05:00) | 1 hr Join WebEx meeting: Meeting number: 730 292 024 Meeting password: NC!PHub2016 Join by phone 1-855-244-8681 Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada) 1-650-479-3207 Call-in toll number (US/Canada) Add this meeting to your calendar by clicking the...

  20. Test

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