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  • Join Policy Open/Anyone
  • Created 25 Jul 2013
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On October 29, 2014, NCIP Hub was updated to HUBzero open source release v1.3. New features to highlight include:

  1. Simplified workflow for new users account set up and new login screen that can now remember the identity of the last logged in user
  2. Revamped Member Dashboard with a new style and ability to configure modules by the user
  3. Ability to update and link your profile with your ORCID Identifier, if you have one.
  4. Ability to download wiki pages as pdf files
  5. New Courses component. If you would like to utilize this component, please contact your NCIP Hub administrator via a help ticket and get started. 

For a complete listing of all new features in HUBzero open source release v1.3, see the v1.3 release notes.

We hope you are as excited as we are with these new capabilities. To learn more about using NCIP Hub and its capabilities in your research:

  • See available help tutorials and demos on NCIP Hub User Group
  • Ask the NCIP Hub community for help with NCIP Hub functionality
  • Submit a help ticket to contact your NCIP Hub administrator to ask a question and/or set up one-on-one sessions to discuss your specific need/use cases

Your friendly User Group Manager and NCIP Hub Administrator,

Lisa Mahoney