__'''PSON0002 Physical Characterization of Cell Lines. Atomic Force Microscopy'''__ This study uses atomic force microscopy (AFM) to measure the the deflection of a cantilever upon contact with the cells. In this study, the test samples represent 30 cell lines grown on 7 different substrates. Measurements were done in triplicate. Control samples were not included in this study. Download the dataset at [ftp://caftpd.nci.nih.gov/psondcc/PhysicalCharacterization/AFM.2/] '''Data usage policy''' The data contained within the PS-ON DCC is based on several research projects and is intended to be rapidly and constantly updated for the research community to access and use. The NCI requests that any data users: * Inform the data submitters about the intention to submit a publication that uses PS-ON DCC data. * Include the following statement in any publications resulting from the use of PS-ON DCC data: ''Data used in this publication were generated by projects sponsored by the NCI Physical Sciences in Oncology Initiative.''