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Bulk File Uploads

How can I upload large number or sized files to my Project area?

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    Many/larger files can be more easily uploaded to the project area using SFTP. See instructions at

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    Ishwar Chandramouliswaran

    Uploading Large Files Using SFTP Clients

    Create a Local Password

    1. If you use a non-Hub related account, then you must first create a local password
    2. Login to the HUB
    3. On the Dashboard, click Account on the left menu
    4. Under Local Password, type in the password in the New Password and Confirm password text boxes
    5. Click Save


    Setup SFTP Client

    1. Download an SFTP client like Cyberduck or Filezila
    2. Add a new site by either clicking the “+” or “File” -> “Site Manager” ->
      “New Site”
    3. Provide the following information
      1. Host:
      2. Protocol: Change to “SFTP”
      3. User: Provide the same username used to login to the Hub
    4. Click Connect
    5. When prompted for password, provide the local password that was created above
    6. Once connected, open up the “Data” file and then the “Projects” file and double click on the project that you would like to upload the files to
    7. Drag and drop the files into this folder and then check inside of the site and confirm that these files are uploaded to the right project

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