Quantitative MRSI to predict early response to SAHA therapy in GBM management

By Hyunsuk Shim1, Hui-Kuo Shu1, Jeffrey J. Olson1, Xiaoping P. Hu1, Tim Fox2, Eduard Schreibmann2, Chad A. Holder2, Ying Guo2, Andrew H. Miller2, Daniel Brat2, Alfredo Voloschin2, Peter Barker3, Matthias Holdhoff4, Stuart Grossman4, Doris Lin4, Lawrence Kleinberg4, Fausto Rodriguez4, Andrew Maudsley5

1. Emory University, PI 2. Emory University, Co-Inv 3. Johns Hopkins University, PI 4. Johns Hopkins University, Co-Inv 5. University of Miami, Consultant

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Hyunsuk Shim; Hui-Kuo Shu; Jeffrey J. Olson; Xiaoping P. Hu; Tim Fox; Eduard Schreibmann; Chad A. Holder; Ying Guo; Andrew H. Miller; Daniel Brat; Alfredo Voloschin; Peter Barker; Matthias Holdhoff; Stuart Grossman; Doris Lin; Lawrence Kleinberg; Fausto Rodriguez; Andrew Maudsley (2014), "Quantitative MRSI to predict early response to SAHA therapy in GBM management," https://nciphub.org/resources/297.

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