The Quantitative Imaging Network Meeting Introduction

By Robert J.Nordstrom, Larry Clark, Pushpa Tandon, Yantian Zhang1, Huiming Zhang, Lori Henderson, Lalitha Shankar, Keyvan Farahani, George redmond, James Deye, Jacek Capala, John Freyman, Justin Kirby

1. National Cancer Institute

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Robert J.Nordstrom; Larry Clark; Pushpa Tandon; Yantian Zhang; Huiming Zhang; Lori Henderson; Lalitha Shankar; Keyvan Farahani; George redmond; James Deye; Jacek Capala; John Freyman; Justin Kirby (2014), "The Quantitative Imaging Network Meeting Introduction,"

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  1. QIN